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Being an Inspirations Developer

Bringing the human back into business seems so simple for some. Others look at me as if I was the little prince standing in the desert, clueless. We are humans; we created our civilization so why can't we also re-create it? One person at a time. Vertical companies, horizontal companies, soon we will have round companies too.

Companies are fantastic, they bring us together, we cooperate, we mingle, we negotiate, we fight, we love, we eat from them and we do hate them sometimes too. Why are we there? What makes us go back?


What a waste. The employer fears the loss, fears the mistakes, and fears the decisions that could be made. The employee fears exactly the same things. Why can’t they trust each other? I mean a company is not a person, yet people make all of the decisions.

Decisions are made by companies, not people. Right? And then the company wonders why the employee is not engaged.

Decision-making does need to be earned, not by proving one can decide based on the company policy but by deciding based on circumstances, by getting it wrong and then by changing it. Building a virtuous character. Imagine a company full of motivated engaged decision makers looking out for the company profits, the other humans, and the planets resources. That, I have been told, is a dream, but landing on the moon was a dream once.

Globalization did its terrible 2's thing and now it has turned into a teenager. Globalization, when it develops that prefrontal cortex, has the ability to reverse climate change and raise the standard of living worldwide quickly. The network of cosmopolitan merchants without a nation but with compassion, understanding, and the skills to buy and sell to everyone can penetrate everywhere quickly and bring our planet into balance.

That is, if that is what we want.

Right now the human race spends their time not liking what they have, not developing its potential and trying very hard to fit in while shooting everything down that creates discomfort or represents too much effort, just like a teenager.

Time to grow up, make those decisions, trust your companies, trust your motives and make sure you have some passion in your life. Grumpy people really aren't very human.

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